Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy July!

And I just realized that even though I published this post on July 1, I had saved it on June 30. So the date is June 30 when I meant for it to be on July 1...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Did You Know...

Oh, and I liked these two pictures too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Miley Cyrus

For those of you who have not seen the Vanity Fair cover with Miley Cyrus, here it is.

For this month's Vanity Fair issue, there is an illustration towards the back with Miley Cyrus as Donald Duck.

Personally I don't understand it myself. This is by Daniel Adel. I cannot figure out what he is trying to say. It made me laugh because it was so funny, but I'm not sure if he is mocking Miley or if he is mocking us for making such a big deal out of her cover. Can someone explain?

I agree that Miley Cyrus is too young. She hasn't established herself yet; she is still very much a Disney star, and we all know most Disney stars don't make it big. The cover isn't slutty though; it would be sophisticated if it were another celebrity. But Miley's audience is made up of tweens and practically no one else. Furthermore she takes skanky pictures of herself and posts them online, practically asking to be reprimanded and looked down upon. Personally I just think she thinks too highly of herself and needs to be put in her place. This cover just builds up her already-too-big ego even more.