Tuesday, February 3, 2009

full story here

While I'm not super offended, it does make me a little annoyed that people are commenting on youtube (where I found the photo) that it was just fun and games and Miley should be left alone. Then they go on further on how white people say the n word all the time and that's more racist than this. Right, because a "tiny" racist thing doesn't matter when compared to a "big" racist thing. And there's an Asian in the photo, which automatically makes it not racist right? Just like if black people say the n word in their songs, it's okay! If a Chinese person calls themself a Chink, that's okay because they ARE Chinese! Where did that reasoning come from?

1 comment:

- said...

ew another reason to hate miley cyrus.

ima start calling all my chinese bros 'chink' now. it'll be the new 'nigga!'

but sadly, the asian version of the pejorative does not sound as cool